Galway has taken the Digital Marketing Industry by storm…
In recent years, Galway has really put its stamp on the Digital Marketing Map. With the launch of OMiG – a group of enthusiastic volunteers who are extremely passionate about Digital Marketing, Atlantec – a two week festival that aims to showcase Galway’s diverse technology culture while also encouraging creativity, innovation and collaboration within the IT, Business and Educational communities in the West of Ireland and the Innovation District – a working progress vision of the people of Galway for a downtown city innovation hub with its first location; the Portershed which is attracting young technology companies with strong growth potential, to name a few, Galway is now a competitive focal point for digital marketing. Although all different in their own way, each start-up has the same vision – to prove to the World that our small city is the perfect Digital Hub. With an ever growing communal interest in Digital Marketing, Galway seems to be “the place to go” for all marketing needs and demands.
Four ways Marketing has changed for the better…
1. Customers are in control – Nowadays, customers can pick and choose what is put in front of them (Thank God for Sky and live pause to fast forward all the ads!!!). With online marketing, companies can tell by my actions (by clicking on an ad or liking a post) what I like and don’t like and will tailor their posts in line with what I find interesting.
2. The medium has changed – Probably the most obvious of changes; although we still have billboards, phone book ads and magazine ads, companies have made the transition to the more technological side of things by plunging into the sphere of online ads, blogs and tweets.
3. The eggs aren’t in one basket – Old school marketing meant a small business probably poured all its resources into a single channel (after all, the budget didn’t allow for much more). Now, because of the affordability, small businesses can easily include a mix of marketing tools and techniques.
4. The future looks bright – It’s obvious that digital marketing is on the rise, particularly here in Galway. We’re doing so much more in marketing with less financial investment and every day, a new tool is created to make marketing that bit easier.
Although I have only been at the Harbour Hotel for a few short weeks, it has certainly opened up my eyes to the World of Digital Marketing. I can’t wait to see what the next few months have instore!
Sales & Marketing Assistant - Harbour Hotel Galway